Ahnentafel Sötje

Shellove Esprit

DKK 22363/97

zur Zucht empfohlen
HD-Grad: A
DK & S & Klub-Champion
Danbrets Bronze Bajadser

DKK 04878/92 zobel-weiß
Shendale Dawn Promise
DKK 22144/91
zobel-weiß HD:A1
Forestland Farmers Boy
KCSB 0834 B1 GB Ch. HD:
Shendale Dawn Shadow
KCR M0857401M01
Danbrets Bronze Bitten
DKK 13924/88
zobel-weiß, HD:A1
Danbrets Toby
DKK 21841/83 zw HD: A2
Smedjenaes Bonita
DKK 03487/85 zw.
Zarvo's Image in Black

DKK 04726/92 tricolour
Am.Can.DK. Ch.
Rosewood's US Marshall
DKK 11685/90
blue-merle, HD:A1
 Rosewood's MT Blue Sheriff
AKC D 131987 Am.Ch.blm
 Rosewood's Velvet Rose
AKC D 092446 tric.
Zarvo's Take a Chance
DKK 03815/990, tricolour
 Peerie Sunlight the Shellover
DKK 24834/86 DK.CH. Tric HD:B1
 Zarvo's Born Black and Beautiful
DKK 12769/86 tric.
Greta vom Stormarner Land

HD-Grad: A
Rudy vom Stormarner Land

9696 schwarz-weiß
HD-Grad: A

Rolf Black of Demon Castle
BH, SchH I, 664 CEA-PRA-Kat. frei/89; schwarz-weiß; HD:0

 Holly Demon of Demon Castle
5247 tric.
 Olivia of Demon Castle
6037 d'zw
Dt. Jugendchampion
Blue Dike vom Stormarner Land
7222 CEA-PRA-Kat.-frei/88
blue-merle HD:A
 Mossmill Magpie from Valjon
6578 Int. Dt. Nl. VHD-Ch. schw
Yette vom Stormarner Land
5902 Dt. Ch. (VDH) blm.

Dt. Jugendchampion
Fenna vom Stormarner Land

7777 tricolour
HD-Grad: A1

 Int. Dt. Nl. Belg. Lux. VHD-Ch.
Nameed Burton Coggles
5614 CEA-PRA-Kat.-frei/92
Valjon Blaze of Diamonds
KCSB 2437 BL tric.
Barleycroft Tailor Maid
KCR C468411D4 D'zw.
Dt. & Dt. Ch. (VDH)
Clementine vom Stormarner Land
6957 CEA-PRA-Kat.-frei/88
tricolour HD:B2
Cimber's Amazing Sunset
DKK 28844/80 DK.CH. tric.
Yette vom Stormarner Land
5902 Dt. Ch. (VDH) blm.